慕宥利 -嶄弌僥彿坿垂。
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哂囂亟恬械喘囂鞘 群並脅嗤軟坿(2)

扮寂:2011-08-14 蛍窃:哂囂斤三 栖坿:慕宥利
He that doth most at once doth least.焚担脅誨惨臨頼潤惚匯周匆恂音頼嗣斡狃晴酸叩


Everything must have a beginning.群並脅嗤軟坿。


Everybody¨s business is nobody¨s business.巉繁議並祥頁涙繁狛諒議並。


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage.瓜握公低薦楚握繁公低啾賑。


And forever has no end. 喟喟垓垓,喟涙峭廠。


Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot.忿隼爺和嚏俚委邦錯卿。


All truths are not to be told.寔尖旺音脅嬬傍誼賠。


All time is no time when it is past.高咐匯肇音鹸卦。
