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粤人民版六年级下册英语Review 2南方新课堂答案(2)

时间:2017-02-25 来源:书通网

Review 2第六题答案


Review 2第七题答案

1. is/was;pours/poured; drinks/drank 

2. went, stayed; will go/are going to go; will stay/are going to stay 

3. gets;eats, drinks; is 

4. likes; doesn't like;eat; more; will be 

5. doesn't have;get; more

Review 2第八题答案

1. He is going to go to Beijing for a vacation. 

2. There were no tickets to Beijing left. 

3. He is going to go to Beijing by plane. 

4. He has to save money for his vacation.

Review 2第九题答案
