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译林版四年级下册英语补充习题Unit 8答案

时间:2017-03-03 来源:书通网

Unit 8第A题答案


Unit 8第B题答案


Unit 8第C题答案

1. —Hello,this is Su Hai speaking. May I speak to Helen?

—Hello,Su Hai,this is Helen speaking.

—Hello,Helen. I can't come to school today.

—What’s the matter?

—I have a fever.

—I'm sorry to hear that. Can I come and see you?

—Sure. Thank you,Helen.

2. —Hello,this is Liu Tao speaking. May I speak to Wang Bing?

—Hello,Liu Tao,this is Wang Bing.

—Hello,Wang Bing. I can't play football today.

—What's the matter?

—I have a headache.

—I'm sorry to hear that. Take care,Liu Tao!

—Thank you.

3. —Hello,this is Bobby speaking. May I speak to Sam?

—Hello,Bobby,this is Sam speaking.

—Hello,Sam. I can't have picnics today.

—What's the matter?

—I have a cold.

—I'm sorry to hear that. Take care,Bobby!

—Thank you.

Unit 8第D题答案

对   错   错   对 

Unit 8第E题答案

1. speak,Who's 

2. headache,hear 

3. skating,matter,fever 

4. How,fly kites
