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人教版九年级下册英语Unit12 SectionB 4部分课文翻译

时间:2016-01-16 分类:人教版九年级下册英语课文翻译 来源:书通网

11 部分翻译

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.


cancel 取消;终止

miss 错过

west 向西;西方的

accident 事故

lady 女士

officer 官员

market 市场

unexpected 出乎意料的

Last Saturday after my French course,I decided to drive to the <1> to buy a meat pie for dinner. As I was heading <2> ,I saw a huge truck in the middle of the road. There had been a(n) <3> and there were many police <4> around.l turned around and decided to go to a nearby mall. However, I <5> the road that led to the malL. Then I saw a restaurant that sold chicken noodles. I went inside and the <6> ,who was the owner,served me the most delicious bowl of chicken noodles ever. I had made a(n) <7> discovery! I'm so glad that I <8> my plan to go to the market.


22 部分翻译

Think of ways to finish the answers.


1.A: Why didn't you hand in your science homework?


B:Before I could start working on it,____.


2.A:Why didn't you take a shower this moming?


B:By the time I got up,____.


3.A: Why did you have to walk home from school?


B:By the time I left my school,____.


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