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时间:2016-05-21 分类:英语语法 来源:书通网



1. They _held_(hold) an acception to salute his coming. 他们举行了一个招待会以迎接他的到来。

2. This meeting was _held_(hold) at the initiative of the US and EU. 这次会议是由美国与欧盟共同倡议举行的。

3. She _held_(hold) up her hat to me, and I winked at her. 她向我抬了抬她的帽子,我则向她眨了眨眼。

4. We _held_(hold) on the sea for about ten days, then we saw an island. 我们在海上继续航行了约十天,最后终于看见了一座岛屿。

5. I _held_(hold) your luggage together with mine. 我把你的行李和我的捆在一起了。



1. Demonstrations against the war in Iraq have been _held_(hold) across the United States on the fifth anniversary of the U. 美国领导的伊拉克战争五周年这一天,美国各地举行了反对伊拉克战争的示威游行。

2. These four broad areas stem from the sequence of meetings that have been _held_(hold) recently. 上述四个广泛领域产生于最近举行的一系列会议。

3. More and more international conference have been _held_(hold) in China. 越来越多的国际会议在中国举行。

4. I think of all the moments I have been _held_(hold) back from because I am afraid to experience something just because I might not be good at it or do it right. 我回想起之前大部分时刻,我因为害怕去经历某些事,仅仅是因为我怕我自己做的不够好,或者不太正确。

小编推荐: write的过去式和过去分词lay的过去式和过去分词is的过去式和过去分词
