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译林版九年级上册英语Unit7 Reading A部分课文翻译

时间:2016-07-14 分类:译林版九年级上册英语课文翻译 来源:书通网

1A 部分翻译

Kitty's favourite film star is Audrey Hepburn. She has found an article about this international superstar in a magazine. Here is the article.


Hollywood's all-time best-Audrey Hepburn


Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood's all-time greatest actresses. When she died in 1993,the world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty,a great actress and a great humanitarian.


Hepburn was born in Belgium on 4 May 1929. As a child,she loved dancing and dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer. After World WarⅡ , she moved to London with her mother. She worked as a model before becoming an actress.


In 1951, while acting in France, Hepburn met the French writer Colette. Hepburn's beauty and charm caught the writer's attention Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi,a play based upon her novel,although Hepburn had never played any major roles before. That event marked the beginning of her successful career.


Two years later, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday. It was a big success and Hepburn soon became world-famous. She won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film that year.


During her lifetime, Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations. In 1989, Hepburn made her final appearance in the film Alrvays and played the role of an angel.

在她的一生中,赫本获得另外四次的奥斯卡提名。在19 89年,赫本最后一次出现在电影《直到永远》中并扮演了一位天使。

Hepburn's achievements went beyond the filmindustry. She began to work for UNICEF in the 1950s. Hepburn spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world. She won many awards because of' her efforts in this area.


In 1991,Hepburn discovered that she had cancer. On 20 January 1993,she passed away peacefully in her sleep.


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