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人教版六年级下册英语课本Unit4 B部分课后答案

时间:2016-11-14 来源:书通网

Let's talk部分答案

Before,Mike liked pink. Now,he doesn't like pink.

Before,Mike was quiet. Now,he is very active in class.


Mary is my friend. Before,she wasn't tall. She had short hair. She didn't wear glasses. Now,she is tall. She has long hair. She wears

glasses. Before,she didn't like maths. She didn't like cats or eggs. Now,she likes maths very much. And she likes cats and eggs.

Read and write部分答案


1.Cheetahs can run very fast.

2.That I can't run fast makes me feel worried.

2 1 3

Wu Yifan is telling……blanks部分答案

had;couldn't run fast;gave;drank


I had a dream last night. In my dream,I became a rabbit. I played in the forest.Suddenly I met a tiger.I felt very worried. And I ran

andran. Then I woke up.What a dream!
