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译林版九年级下册英语Unit4 Study skills部分课文翻译

时间:2016-01-16 分类:译林版九年级下册英语课文翻译 来源:书通网


To do self-assessment means to think about your studies in order to find out your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you make a plan to improve the way you study.


2Kitty is completing a self-assessment form...部分翻译


Kitty is completing a self-assessment form to find out how she is doing with her English study. Read her results in the table below. 基蒂正在完成一个自我评价表,以便找出她的英语学习如何。阅读下表中她的结果。

3After doing the self-assessment,Kitty is making...部分翻译


After doing the self-assessment,Kitty is making a plan for studying English Read her plan Do you think she has some good ideas?

做完自我评价后,基蒂正在制订英语学习计划。阅读她的计划,你认 为她有一些好的想法吗?

I often speak English well in class,but I still need to practise more.


I need to work harder to learn new words and grammar rules.I plan to copy the new words in my notebook and read them every morning.I plan to remember five new words every day. Grammar rules are difficult,so I will keep an English diary and一try to use the new grammar rules I have learnt.Lplan一—to watch English TV programmes every weekend in order to improve my listening skills.


4Now complete the self-assessment form in Part...部分翻译


Now complete the self-assessment form in Part A yourself. Then write your own plan for studying English.


小编推荐: 人教版九年级下册英语Unit10 SectionB 2部分课文翻译人教版九年级下册英语Unit14 SectionA 4部分课文翻译外研版九年级下册英语Module8 Unit2部分课文翻译
